Why a Micro Inverter Is Better Than a String Inverter

Inverters are one of the most complex pieces of solar equipment and also one of the most likely to fail, meaning microinverter-based systems require more frequent maintenance than string inverter systems.

Solar panel micro inverters offer several advantages over their counterparts, including increased efficiency, module level monitoring and reduced DC voltage.


Although microinverters cost more than string inverters, they provide a more reliable system. Their design allows each solar panel to control its own DC-to-AC conversion cycle for individual panel inversion, making microinverters better suited to scenarios involving shading issues or phased installations where detailed monitoring is desired. Furthermore, many microinverters feature built-in features which optimize system performance thereby offsetting higher upfront costs.

Micro inverters offer many advantages to rooftop solar arrays, including improving energy production by recovering lost efficiencies due to partial shading – one of the key challenges associated with solar arrays where panels are shaded by tree branches or leaves – and can reduce losses through allowing each panel to operate at its full potential. They can also help minimise energy losses should one panel fail or malfunction and allow each one to produce maximum output at all times.

Microinverters boast another benefit of not using high voltage DC, eliminating any risk of arcing or fire and making them safer for your home. Furthermore, installation is much simpler due to no large transformers or capacitors being needed and less components being necessary – especially beneficial if adding panels later or expanding solar energy systems is desired.


Micro-inverters offer more efficient energy production by eliminating power losses during DC-to-AC conversion and providing better performance under shading conditions than string inverters.

Microinverters use real-time solar intensity monitoring to find the optimum output from PV panels and thus ensure all panels in a string perform equally through maximum power point tracking (MPPT).

As string inverters provide more flexibility when it comes to system expansion, adding new panels is easier. When adding panels with string inverters requires making sure your array meets their capacity and any shaded panels are compensated for, which may become an issue in homes looking to increase energy consumption or in areas with extreme temperatures.

Microinverters come with some limitations, including an increase in costs and more frequent maintenance needs compared with central inverters. Furthermore, these devices must be installed behind rooftop panels making replacement more challenging should one malfunction or stop working altogether.

There’s an alternative to microinverters known as solar panel power optimizers: module-level power electronics that boost solar panel production by up to 25% and are cheaper than microinverters, shaded installations-friendly and can even offer up to 25-year warranties on their optimisers and 12 years on their inverters. Two such brands include Enphase and SolarEdge which both come equipped with 25 year optimiser warranties as well as 12 year inverter warranties.


Microinverters work at the panel level, converting DC power into AC for each individual solar panel. This allows solar installers to construct systems of different orientations and sizes with greater freedom in terms of roof designs and shading conditions. Furthermore, underperforming panels can be easily identified so homeowners receive greater value from their systems.

Microinverters also help reduce heat stress on electronic components by routing less power through them, which results in reduced failure rates and longer lifespan. Their easy power conversion process also minimizes energy lost during transfer to the grid and can lower utility bills significantly.

As an added perk, performance of this system can be further optimized by tracking real-time solar intensity to achieve higher efficiency than traditional string inverters and provide additional power for you and your home. This equates to more power being available.

Microinverter systems offer convenient scalability in the future, enabling easy rewiring when energy demands increase or additional panels need to be added without needing to reconfigure an array. This makes microinverters perfect for homes looking to offset 100% of their energy usage but aren’t ready for full solar energy systems yet.


An inverter is one of the key components in any solar panel system, converting DC energy into AC that your household can use. Additionally, an inverter monitors your panels’ performance and transmits that data back to your energy provider – so its proper functioning is vital if your production of solar energy drops significantly.

Check your inverter’s health by inspecting its status light, which should always be green. If it turns yellow or red and flashes rapidly, that indicates something has gone amiss and requires immediate professional intervention. Seeing messages indicating errors or unusual readings on its screen could also indicate issues within your system.

String inverters feature a centralized design, with all solar panels connected in a “string,” with their DC power generated being converted to AC electricity by one central inverter. This type of inverter tends to be more cost-effective and reliable, making them an attractive option for many solar PV systems.

Microinverters offer more protection from shading issues and shorter warranties than their analog counterparts; however, these inverters cannot monitor individual solar module performances; this could cause power losses across an entire array when one module malfunctions.
